Sally Jacob of The Punk Faery Artworks ©
Sally’s Bio:
I am a UK based fantasy artist, whose artwork often explores the darker side of faery and takes in a mix of themes and genres. My current work is based on exploration of fairy tales and the psychology behind them. Pre-Raphaelite influences are merged with something darker to create edgy paintings filled with emotion and quirky compositions.
I am fascinated with the darker and hidden sides of human nature, which is often explored by fairy tales and mythology from all over the world. This is a major influence for me, and my work often explores fantasy, and the drama found within ourselves. Other influences include the pre-Raphaelite movement as well as modern fantasy artists.
Lately I’ve been focusing on portraiture and how you can encompass a wide range of themes and emotion within that genre. I work in acrylic on canvas and like to paint with very thin layers, this builds up depth and texture.
I paint from my small home studio in the Somerset countryside, working in acrylics on canvas. My work has been exhibited in the US and in Europe and featured in several publications.
Social Media Links:
Website Link to Artwork: PREORDER A Sailor’s Grave by Brady Willmot of The Concussion Gallery © Full Drill with some ABs – P.A.M. Diamond Paintings LLC